Thursday, October 4, 2007

C.F.D. Moule Tributes

Dan Wallace, who knew C.F.D. (Charlie) Moule well, has a fine tribute on the Parchment and Pen. Wallace calls Moule the "last of the gentlemen scholars." A few excerpts:
  • "He was the consummate gentleman....He was also one of the happiest scholars—indeed, one of the happiest human beings—that I’ve ever known. One can wonder whether this was due to his celibate state or to his bipedal mobility; ultimately, I think it was due to his genuine devotion to Jesus Christ—a devotion that was not merely cerebral but poured forth from his whole being."
  • "I’ve thought for several years of publishing a book of letters from Moule—not just letters that he wrote me but those he wrote many others as well. Each letter would tell its own story and show that there used to be giants among us, scholars whose heads were firmly attached to their hearts."
  • "We turned at one point to talk about D. A. Carson. Moule blurted out, when I mentioned his name, “Oh, he’s my favorite fundamentalist!”"
  • "I believe that Moule had memorized the Greek New Testament, just as his predecessor at Cambridge, C. H. Dodd, had done."
In the same post, there are comments by the NT scholars, Steve Walton and Max Turner, both former students of Moule's.

Scot McKnight also comments at the Jesus Creed. It turns out that Moule was McKnight's Großdoktorvater.

Obituaries include:

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